Reframing failure: the secret to unlocking strength and resilience

To build your strongest, most resilient body, it’s time to shift your perspective. Feel Good Personal Training founder, Otaniyen Ekiomado, explains why embracing failure in your workout is the key to success both in and out of the gym.

Seeing failure as a win during a workout, or any of life’s activities might for that matter, sounds counterintuitive. But this simple perspective shift will not only transform your experience with strength training, it’ll also unlock a stronger and more resilient you – both mentally and physically. 

Reframing mechanical failure

In simple terms, mechanical failure is when your muscles get tired during a set or workout, and you can't do another repetition with good form. Now, contrary to what you might currently think, this isn't a setback.

If you can reframe this failure as having successfully pushed to your limits, and aim to stretch those limits a little further each time, it becomes a step toward building stronger muscles and better endurance, improving your overall toughness, and building both your mental and physical resilience.

The value of mental and physical resilience

Striving for mental and physical resilience is not just about overcoming obstacles in your fitness journey; it's key to unlocking a more fulfilling and empowered life. 

Improved mental resilience better equips you to navigate stress in all areas of life with greater ease – something we can all agree would improve day-to-day quality of life – while also boosting long-term wellbeing. This form of resilience can enable you to stay focused on your goals and foster a more positive mindset and improved optimism. Building physical resilience, meanwhile, contributes to better long-term health and agility, preventing injuries, enhancing endurance, and promoting overall vitality.

When we consider the value of resilience and see reframing failure as a catalyst for building it, the transformative power of this mindset shift becomes a holistic approach to setting ourselves up for a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Practical strategies to make failure work for you

Embracing failure in your fitness journey is a nuanced process that requires a mindful and intuitive approach. Try these tips and strategies to make failure work for you.

1. Shift your mindset

Embrace failure as a sign of progress rather than a limitation. Each time you reach mechanical failure in a workout, consider it another step closer to your ultimate fitness goals.

2. Progressive overload

Gradually increasing the weight or number of repetitions will push your muscles closer to failure each workout, making room for continuous growth and improvement. 

3. Listen to your body

Pay attention to your body's signals during workouts to understand the difference between productive failure and overexertion. Listening to your body allows for a tailored and sustainable approach, preventing burnout and promoting long-term success.

4. Set incremental goals

Establish achievable short-term and long-term goals that align with your fitness level. This approach allows you to challenge yourself without setting unrealistic expectations, making failure a tool for growth rather than a source of frustration.

5. Celebrate small wins

Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories. Recognising your progress in the face of failure reinforces that positive mindset and motivates you to continue pushing your limits.

6. Rest and recovery

Prioritise rest days to allow your body the time it needs for repair and growth. Overtraining can lead to increased fatigue and a higher risk of injury, so it’s important to strike a balance between pushing boundaries and giving your body the time it needs to recover.

The takeaway

Redefining failure within strength training is a game-changer for achieving a stronger, more resilient body and mind. This transformative approach to training will allow you to harness the power of reframing and embracing failure for growth endurance and overall resilience.

Ready to shift your perspective? Get in touch and start your journey to your strongest, most vibrant and resilient self.